Part Time Nanny Job Opening
Part Time Nanny
A Mother's Prayer Placement
• Rockville, Maryland
— Part-time
Category: Nanny
Part-time Nannies are professional in-home childcare providers. These childcare providers are unique because they usually remain in the employ of a family many years of a child’s growth. These individuals are loving persons who practically become a member of the family due to their close relation to the entire family. They are trustworthy, loyal and have the growth and development, and overall wellbeing as of your child as their top priority. Nannies can be female or male (sometimes referred to as mannies) but are usually strictly female. Families who prefer a male may request so.
Part-Time is any position where an employee works or is expected to work 20 or fewer hours per week.
Part-Time is any position where an employee works or is expected to work 20 or fewer hours per week.